
Top Five Safety Tips For Having Pets On The Go

Everyone enjoys traveling with their pets, but when it comes to having pets on the go, you need to take extra precautions that you normally wouldn't while you were at home. Sticking to a few basic rules can keep your pet healthy and happy while you are on holiday. Here are 5 tips on how to take your pet with you for a true family holiday.

Updated Information

Keep updated information about your pet with you when you are traveling. It is important to have your updated information engraved on tags that are attached to your pet's collar. In case your pet gets separated from you, these tags will serve as your pet's only hope of finding you again. Include your mobile number on these tags when you have pets on the go. Has your veterinarian sign a form confirming all of your pet's current vaccinations. You will need to show these records at border crossings.

Pack For Your Pet

In order to take your pet on holiday, you need to pack a bag for them. Having pets on the go remain fun and comfortable will require careful planning and preparation. You will need to pack their bedding, extra leashes and at least one extra collar. You will need cleaning supplies in case of accidents, portable bowls, medications, and toys. Bring food and at least one gallon of water for every day you plan to be away from home. Water supplies that are unfamiliar to your pet may upset her stomach.